End COVID and Avoid Zoonotic Origin Global Pandemics in the Future
TO: Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UNITED NATIONS; Volkan Bozkir, President of the General Assembly, UNITED NATIONS; All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the UNITED NATIONS (especially the United States of America); Dr. Monique Eloit, Director General of the WORLD ORGANISATION FOR ANIMAL HEALTH; Alan Wm. Wolff, Joint Acting Director-General of the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION
This New Year of 2021, let’s join Dr. Jane Goodall’s Call for the United Nations to “Build Forward to create a sustainable, equitable, humane world, and prevent the next pandemic.”
“A clever man solves a problem. A wise man avoids it.” Albert Einstein
For decades, we have known that the elimination of animal agriculture can save the planet; solve the sickness/sick care/financial crises; eradicate world hunger; and end violence and suffering (and consequential hatred and discrimination).
Now (since circa 2000), we know the elimination of animal agriculture can end zoonotic origin global pandemics. The 1918 Spanish bird flu proved a mystery to scientists until they discovered a mass grave in Alaska. In 1997, Pathologist Johan Hultin and his colleagues unearthed victims frozen in the permafrost which allowed scientists to analyze traces of the virus in a woman’s lungs, piece together, letter by letter, the genetic code of the 1918 virus, and solve the greatest medical mystery of all time. Humanity’s greatest killer was Bird Flu. In a single month, it spread throughout the US. In 1918, between 50 and 100 million people lost their lives. Like Covid, Ebola, HIV, SARS, BSE, et al., all zoonotic origin global pandemics originate from our use and abuse of animals. The next one is brewing in a factory farm near you right now.
Why haven’t world leaders, global institutions and medical organizations addressed the CAUSE of Covid yet? Why must we complicate a simple issue? Just because Evidence is ignored and people refuse to hear and see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and it certainly does not mean that nothing can be done about it.
You can end Covid. You are the solution to the problem of Covid in the world. You can solve the Covid crisis and save millions of lives.
All human and nonhuman beings deserve the right to life.
“The elimination of animal agriculture cannot solve the world’s problems, but the world’s problems cannot be solved without the elimination of animal agriculture.” Earthling Ed
Although the impetus of many people is to SAVE and FREE all NONHUMAN beings who deserve the rights to life, liberty and happiness, you can…
1. Save the planet for HUMAN beings;
2. Solve the sickness, sick care, financial, pandemic crises for HUMAN beings;
3. Eradicate world hunger for HUMAN beings;
4. End violence and suffering which occurs INSIDE slaughterhouses and under the auspices of the Law (and consequential hatred and discrimination) for the benefit of HUMAN beings.
We need your help because all human and nonhuman beings deserve the right to life. End Covid and avoid zoonotic origin global pandemics in the future. Thank you for joining us in the most important health and social impact movement of our lifetime.
WORLD LEADERS, GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS AND CITIZENS must immediately CEASE AND DESIST the exploitation, torture and slaughter (and support thereof) of nonhuman beings in order to save our planet, ourselves, and all life. THE TIME IS RIPE.
If we kill nonhuman beings, they will kill us. End Covid Now and Prevent the Next Pandemic.
Dr. Jane Goodall’s The Animals’ Manifesto, Preventing COVID-X
Michael Greger, MD’s Warning About Covid Risk In 2008
Carol Mosca’s Eat, Live, Love